DC series Generator

DC series Generator:

ગુજરાતી માં માહિતી માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 
हिन्दी में जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे 

                            In this type of generator, the field field's winding is made of thick copper chains or copper leaflets, and it is attached to the series with armature and load. The circuit must be closed before the machine is exposed. The use of the series generator For specific projects such as booster.
                            In this type of generator, the voltage also increases as the load increases.

Characteristics of Series Generator:

1.Increasing armature current increases the artery resistance, which reduces the total flux and also reduces the terminal voltage.
2.Due to the Armature drop, the voltage in the terminal voltage reduces compared to the voltage produced
3.Magnetic transmitted means that the increase in current increases only in flux in very small proportions.

Using Series Generator:

             The use of DcCeries generators is found especially in booster and arc lamps, which are used as stable electric current generators.


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