
Showing posts with the label motor

Types, Forms, and Uses of DC Motors

DC motors are of 3 types as follows D.C.Series Motor:                                      Which is attached to the field with a field coil armature in DC motors, it is called a series motor. Its field coil is made of a low-angle thick thick wire. Such motors are very high tork in the starting.                                     When changes in armament currents are changed in such motors, flux changes also. In other words, the load decreases by speed as much as it grows. Similarly, when the load decreases, the reduction in currents And increase in the back emf. The increase in the speed of the emf should also increase in its speed and the increase in the speed in the speed of this is in the root ratio. Whenever there is a load of 0, the speed of the motor increases so much so that the winding out of the armature also removes the winding from its center reclamation force. Therefore, when the serial motor is loaded on load 0 or executed with very little load Do not come.  

What is the meaning of dc motor? Work theory, construction and working knowledge of motor

                  The machine which is converted into energy from the DC DC in the form of DC energy is called a DC motor, its working principle is as follows when the current carrying conductor is placed in the magnetic field, it feels a mechanical force, whose direction is flaming The right hand side can be shown as per rule                  The vision of the composition is that there is no difference between the DC generator or the DC motor, ie the use of DC generators can be used as a DC generator, DC motor and DC motor are only slightly different in the outer appearance. Generator frames are open type When the motor's frame is of close type, DC motor like the DC generator also has a shunt wound, a series wound, and a compound wall type.                       Fleming is the clock vise  direction of rotation of the motor of the left-hand rule, but the conductor's magnetic field have to cut prices in the opposite direction of the basic electric current flowing in the


    AC  INDUCTION MOTOR       हेल्लो दोस्तों नमस्कार आजका हमारा विषय हे AC इंडक्शन मोटर उसका सिद्धान्त कार्य तो आइये जानते हे मोटर के बारे में           आजके युग में मोटर एक बहोत जरुरी उपकरण हे हमारे घर से ले कर बड़े बड़े कारखानों ,मीलो और बहोत सारी जगह पर  उपकरण आसानी ने  देखा जा सकता हे इंडक्शन मोटर 1phase से ले कर 3phase तक उपलब्ध होती हे  सिद्धान्त :      इलेक्ट्रिकलक्ति का यांत्रिक शक्ति में रूपांतर मोटर इस सिद्धान्त पर कार्य करती हे रचना :  मोटर में कई सारे अलग अलग पार्ट होते हे जिसके बारे में हम चर्चा करेंगे  इस चित्र में अलग अलग पार्ट्स दिखाए गए हे जिसमे से हम मुख्य पार्ट्स के बारे में जानेंगे    मोटर में  वेसे तो दो पार्ट्स होते हे  १ स्थिर  पार्ट्स जिसमे  योक ,: यह मोटर का उपयोगी पार्ट्स हे जो मोटर के ऊपर की तरफ होता हे वह एक हुक जैसा होता हे जिससे मोटर को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह आसानी से पहोचाया जाता हे वह एक सॉलिड पोलद  से बना हुआ होता हे  बॉडी : मोटर की बॉडी भी पोलाद की बनी होती हे जिसमे मोटर के सारे  पार्ट्स समा जाते हे मोटर की