The Right Hand Thumb Rule
The right hand thumb rule, also known as the right-hand grip rule, is a mnemonic and visualization technique used to determine the direction of a magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. The Right Hand Thumb Rule: Here's how the right-hand thumb rule is applied: 1. Imagine you are holding a current-carrying conductor in your right hand. 2. Align your thumb with the direction of the current flow, i.e., the conventional current flow from positive to negative. 3. Curl your fingers around the conductor. The direction in which your fingers curl represents the direction of the magnetic field lines around the conductor. To summarize: - Thumb: Represents the direction of current flow. - Fingers: Represent the direction of the magnetic field lines. The right-hand thumb rule applies to straight conductors as well as coils or loops of wire. For a straight conductor, the magnetic field lines form concentric circles around the wire. For a coil or loop, the magnetic field lines insid...