Cycle, frequency, period, technical value, maximum value, average value, phase, impact, out of phase, lagging, leading, form factor, Q factor?


              The value of alternating zodiac sign and a complete change in direction is referred to as a bicycle.


              The number of cycles per second is called frequency. It is seen separately in different countries. India is usually 50 c / s frequency.


             The time taken to complete a cycle is called a period

Technical value

             The value that is received at any time is called the value of the value

Maxim value

              The maximum value of the zodiac sign during the given time period is called a maximum value and the peak value of the other is also

Average value

                 The average value of the typical values ​​found in the semi-cycle is called its average value, which is also called the average value.


                 An orgular displacement of two or more alternating zodiac is called phase


               If the maximum or minimum values ​​of two alterative ones occur in the same direction at the same time and at the same time, then the zodiac is called ineffective ones.

Out of Phase

            Now if the maximum or minimum values ​​of two alterative ones are met at different times, then the zodiac is called out of phase.


             In comparison to the voltage, its current maximum and minimum values ​​are later on at the time of value, the curtain is called the leging currant.


             In comparison to the voltage, the current and the minimum values ​​are preceded by the minimum value of the biceps, the currents are called the leging currents.

Form factor

              R.m.s. The ratio of the value and the average value to the form factor is the value of 1.1

Q Factor

             Indicator and capacitor are given the supply of resonance frequencies to the pair in the series, if the voltage in the indicator and capacitor increases, the ratio of Xc / R is that the Xc / R ratio is called the Q factor of the circuit.


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