Explain Insights, Inductive Reactions, Capacities, Capacitive Reactions, Impendence


                  In other words you can also say motivation, it is a property of coil which changes EFF in coil when its flux changes, inductance is measured in Henry and its symbol is L

Inductive reactance:

                  The barrier produced by the inserts is called inductive reactance. Its symbol is XL and you are measured in ohms.
                                                             XL = 2pfL
                                                                               Where f is frequencies.


                   If any condenser is charged with a volt pressure and an ampere electric current, its charge is called condenser's capacitance. It is represented by a symbol C, which is displayed by F, which is displayed by F. Capacitance, because the Faraday unit is very large Micro Faraday is used to measure .1 f = 1000000 microseconds

Capacitive reactance:

                   The constraint produced by capacitance is called capacitive reactance. Its symbol is XC. And it is measured in ohms.
                                                           XC = 1/2 π fc
                                                                                    Where C is the capacitance and it is measured in Faraday.


                   The total resistance by series circuit with resistance, inserts, and capacitance is called impedance


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