What is the ressistance ? What is the basis of its support?

What is the ressistance ? What is the basis of its support?



                       The characteristic of the conductor or substance to obstruct the flow of electricity from any object or carrier is called its barrier. It comes from the symbol R. and its unit is ohm. Ohm meter is used to measure it. The ohms meter is never connected to the supply; it is attached to the two ends of the ohmeter over the two ends of the instrument which is to measure the resistance.

     Support of barrier:

                        The resistance of the conductor is based on the following:
       1. On the metal metal
       2. On length of the carrier
       3. On the thickness of the carrier
       4. On the temperature of the carrier

   1. On the metal of the vessel:

                                      The carrier is made of the object. It is the basis of the carrier's resistance to the property's properties. The barrier of the carriers of different metals varies, as the barrier of copper is less than the length of its length and the thickness of thickness is less than the carrier.

   2. On the length of the carrier:

                                       The barrier of the conductor is in proportion to its length, so that the longer the length of the conductor, the greater its barrier and the length of the length and the lower the barrier.

   3. On the thickness of the carrier:

                                      The barrier of any carrier is in the carrier's cross-sectional area or the person's body weight. That is, in other words, in Rα1 / A, there is a decrease in the barrier of the increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor.

  4. On the temperature of the conductor:

                                       The resistance of any carrier is based on the temperature of the conductor, as the heat of the conductor increases and its resistance also increases.
  Formula for calculating constraint:

                                       As per above we know that RαL and Rα1 / A, that is RαL / A or RαρL / A, where ρ is a substance for that substance and it is called a specific barrier or an obstruction.


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